
Install Addon

  1. copy 'tools/blender/' to 'C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.1\3.1\scripts\addons'
  2. in Blender go to 'Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons' and check 'Import-Export ChrisslyEngine-Mesh format(.mesh)'

Export directly to (.mesh), (.material), (.skeleton) and (.tex) using the addon

  • textures are exported in R8G8B8A8 format
  • axis_conversion(from_forward='-Y', to_forward='Z', to_up='Y') on static meshes and morph animations, but not on skeletal animations
  • modifiers are not applied (to apply: 'Object Mode -> Object -> Apply -> All Transforms')
  • set a custom gpu program in material:
    1. select material
    2. 'Custom Properties -> New'
    3. name the new property 'gpu_program' and select 'String' as type
    4. set value (like "skybox.fx")
    5. after export your (.material) file will contain a line 'gpu_program "skybox.fx"' in the pass section
  • add a custom/external cubemap to material:
    1. select material
    2. 'Custom Properties -> New'
    3. name the new property 'cubic_texture' and select 'String' as type
    4. set value (like "irradiance.tex")
    5. after export your (.material) file will contain another texture_unit with the given cubemap in the pass section

Export to "obj" for later conversion with the mesh cl tool

Options blender "obj" exporter for animations:

  • 'Export Animation'
  • 'Triangulated Mesh'

Skeletal Animation Setup

In order to work correctly in the engine there are a few necessities when setting up the rig and animations:

  • limit weights per vertex to 4 (in 'Weight Paint' mode: 'Weights -> Limit Total')
  • normalise weights so all weights of a vertex sum up to 1 (in 'Weight Paint' mode: 'Weights -> Normalize All')
  • in 'Pose Mode' set the bones transform mode to: 'Quaternion (WXYZ)'
  • apply transform if the mesh or skeleton was moved, rotated or scaled
  • always insert 'Location & Rotation' to all channels (scale not supported)
  • to add an animation just create a new Action

About Coordinate Systems

Blender (forward is -Y and Up is +Z)

^    +Y
|   /
|  /
| /
+--------> +X

OpenGL Right-handed (forward is +Z and Up is +Y)

^    -Z
|   /
|  /
| /
+--------> +X

That's why the exporter transforms the vertices with axis_conversion(from_forward='-Y', to_forward='Z', to_up='Y').

Separate mesh into equal chunks by a grid

This comes in handy to split large meshes like terrains in to smaller pieces for culling and coarse collision detection.

  1. 'Object Mode -> Add -> Mesh -> Grid'
  2. delete faces of the grid 'Edit Mode -> Mesh -> Delete -> Only Faces'
  3. in 'Edge Select' mode, extrude grid with 'E' in -Z direction to create a shape we can cookie-cut our mesh with
  4. 'Object Mode' select all (the mesh and the grid) and press 'Ctrl + J' to join
  5. 'Edit Mode' select corner of the grid and press 'L'
  6. 'Face -> Intersect(Knife)'
  7. 'Mesh -> Split -> Faces by Edges'
  8. 'Mesh -> Separate -> By Loose Parts' will create separate objects
  9. remove leftovers from the grid
  10. in the exporter check the 'Objects as separate files' option