Animation System Gotchas

  • general
    • a mesh can have either morph or skeletal animation, but not both
    • only one morphanimation (with hardcoded name "default", get with: entity->GetAnimationState("default")) per mesh, blending multiple morphanimations is not supported
    • bone rotations are blended as follows:
      Quaternion q1 = Quaternion::Nlerp(Quaternion::IDENTITY, rotation1, weight1);
      Quaternion q2 = Quaternion::Nlerp(Quaternion::IDENTITY, rotation2, weight2);
      Quaternion blendedQ = q1 * q2;
  • d3d11 and gles2 rendersystem
  • psp rendersystem
    • maximum number of bones per skeleton: 8 (limited by the hardware)
    • no indexed vertex blending (not supported by the hardware)